According to the article "Naturopathic Medicine: Top Ten Tips" , it is recommended that mindfulness is expanded by practicing meditation and/or contemplation. The underlying purpose of mindfulness is to become aware of feelings. Feelings are the driver of our behavior, the source of either health or dis-ease. While both mindful tools increase awareness, it is important to know the difference between meditation and contemplation. Meditation means to sit-down in a quiet place and become the focus of awareness of the mind. To witness the mind as a phenomenon without identifying with its activity. Meditation is an activity that is carved out for a specific time outside normal daily routine. By comparison, contemplation is a way a being throughout the normal activities of the day. The feeling or affirmation is set by intention at the beginning of the day and is held in mind with focus throughout the day. Contemplation doesn't disrupt the daily activity. It enhances life expe...