The poet Sir Walter Scott wrote:
“Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!”
There are people throughout our society who want to fundamentally change America, the great country that stands for Liberty and Justice for all. Why do they want to uproot the principles and basic truths that have freed the oppressed and given all people who live within its borders the opportunity to choose and pursue life, liberty, and happiness? The simple answer is: they hate America.
There have always been people who hate and that's never going to change. People come into this world with a level of consciousness and they have the freedom to evolve to higher levels. However, for various reasons, they don’t. I accept that and with compassion it is understood that they are doing the best they can.
What I have a concern with are leaders, particularly politicians who through their silence support the America haters. America is great because no matter one's financial, religious, political, or social standing, we stand together, loyal to our country. We have seen this consistently through wars, depressions, pandemics, and the evolution of equality for all.
Everyone is entitled to a political position. We can agree to disagree without climbing to the moral high ground. We can compromise for the benefit of all.
But shame on you for not speaking out against those who hate America. You should not be elected to office, and if mistakenly you are, then you should be removed at the next election. I live in Connecticut and I have not heard any Senator or Representative who speaks out against the rioting and hateful people who destroy our great cities. I find their silence reprehensible and hold them complicit in these crimes.
There is still time for speaking out, at least until the next election.
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